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Hcg levels at 12dpo?
Hcg levels at 12dpo?
Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, levels during pregnancy range from 5 to 50 milli-international units per milliliter at three weeks to 25,700 to 288,000 at nine to 12 weeks ge. If you’re pregnant and experience low hCG levels, it’s important to look at your entire pregnancy as a whole. The typical hCG level around four weeks of pregnancy is around 140 mIU/ml 5, so a high hCG level can be generally considered to mean you are pregnant. But after that, you may need to change up your strategies to take the next step. My levels were 23 at 3 weeks, 2 days pregnant. Hello Girls! I'm so curious about HCG levels. I tested positive 9/2. And your progesterone is awesome, mine was 15 at 13 dpo (wasn't checked at 10dpo). Even though hCG begins doubling every two days, the amount starts out quite small. So at 10 DPO, you could be pregnant but not get a positive test yet. Early pregnancy symptoms may be more pronounced for some women. 11 DPO refers to 11 days past ovulation – or the time when your body begins to ramp up production of the pregnancy hormone hCG as well as estrogen and progesterone (and yes, you can test your estrogen levels at home). Are leveling kits bad for trucks? We explain whether using a leveling kit will damage your truck, plus answer other questions so you know before installing. 3rd draw 5 days later was 2993 doubling time of approx every 36 hours. Implantation typically occurs between 6 and 12 DPO. Low levels of hCG are normal for non-pregnant women and men. What Does a Low hCG Level Mean? A low hCG level can mean any number of things and should be rechecked within 48-72 hours to see how the level is changing. Remember, what’s most important is how your hCG levels change over time, not a single measurement. 14 DPO is a significant milestone if you’re trying to get pregnant. It’s not an exact science. What Does a Low hCG Level Mean? A low hCG level can mean any number of things and should be rechecked within 48-72 hours to see how the level is changing. Again, the most reliable way to tell if you are expecting a baby is to wait until 14 days after ovulation. com just launched two new pro-level services designed for small business websites, including software to help with ecommerce and SEO. But for your peace of mind, it's how the levels rise that is important. Aug 16, 2013 · I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. Given that the egg might only have implanted today, or a few days before, you’re still unlikely to experience pregnancy symptoms at 12dpo. Here's a look at which are more accessible than others. According to one study, levels of hCG detected in the urine were between 2995. Just wanted to compare our HCG levels so far. Can implantation bleeding happen at 11 DPO? I am 9 or 10 dpo today and had a blood hcg drawn So I'm "not" not pregnant Just wondering what ya'lls levels were for that early? I have an appt next week but they didn't mention repeating any beta levels so I will call and ask tmrw. Even though it’s a bit early for a pregnancy test, your body might give you subtle hints. You might well be pregnant, but it usually takes at least a week before hCG has risen to levels that will cause symptoms, or are high enough to for a pregnancy test to detect. Symptoms of miscarrying one twin, which is known as vanishing twin syndrome, include mild cramping, pain in the pelvic region, vaginal bleeding and a decrease in the level of human. According to About. At 17 DPO, your hCG levels can range wildly, from 17 to 429 mIU/ml or even higher! At 12 DPO, your hCG levels may not have risen high enough to detect pregnancy, even if you are pregnant. TLDR: HCG level was 50 IU/L at 12dpo, haven’t been tested since. Low Levels of hCG. My hcg levels were 642. Nov 30, 2021 · Just looking to compare hcg at 12 dpo. 8dpo- hcg-1 progesterone-9. Many small businesses go through an early growth stage. Just curious if any of you ladies have seen similar numbers. My hcg levels were 642. While certain people are morning risers, many of us constantly battle with our snooze alarm every morning over whether to stay in our cocoon of slumber. going through this same thing. By clicking "TRY IT", I agree to receive newsletters and promotions from Money and. faint positive: How to tell the difference on your pregnancy test Jun 4, 2011 · My levels were similar: I was eithe at 15-17 DPO and first draw was 106 2nd draw 48 hours later was 264. At 12 DPO, if you’re pregnant, you can expect rising progesterone and hCG levels. I was worried because I was getting spotting almost every day and my line progression wasn’t as drastic as I would have though. com just launched two new pro-level services designed for small business websites, including software to help with ecommerce and SEO. If you’re pregnant and experience low hCG levels, it’s important to look at your entire pregnancy as a whole. Remember, what’s most important is how your hCG levels change over time, not a single measurement. com, a blood pregnancy test can detect the levels of hCG and show a positive pregnancy result approximately 8 to 10 days after conception. Many of these tests are designed to provide the most accurate results when your period is due. It has also been established that women who experience more nausea usually have higher levels of hCG hormones in pregnancy. It’s also possible to experience early symptoms, such as breast tenderness Always consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. I took my last two tests recently just hoping for a dye stealer, and today (21dpo) the line is lighter. The hCG levels start quite low but will consistently rise during the initial weeks of a healthy pregnancy. For perspective, home pregnancy tests usually detect hCG levels around 25mIU/ml. Aug 16, 2013 · I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. At 10 dpo my hcg 18 and then 13dpo it was 62, which is about a 40 hour doubling time. If you follow the math, my hcg for this pregnancy at 13dpo would have been about 94 which is pretty close to what you have. Oct 10, 2018 · 12 dpo 83 14 dpo 279 19dpo 3257 my doubling rate is every 33 to 34 hours. At 17 DPO, your hCG levels can range wildly, from 17 to 429 mIU/ml or even higher! Mar 4, 2023 · At 12 DPO, your hCG levels may not have risen high enough to detect pregnancy, even if you are pregnant. In most normal pregnancies, at hCG levels below 1,200 mIU/ml, the hCG level usually doubles every 48-72 hours and normally increases by at least 60% every two days. My levels were 23 at 3 weeks, 2 days pregnant. Falling hCG levels within the first six weeks could mean you’re at higher risk of having a miscarriage. 14dpo-hcg- 56 progesterone- 11. This can result in a false-negative pregnancy test. Days Past Ovulation Typical hCG Level Less than 5 DPO 1-2 mIU 5 DPO 2-5 mIU 6 DPO 4-10 mIU 7 DPO 8-20 mIU … This is because 12 DPO is still early to take a pregnancy test, and your hCG hormone levels might still be too low to be detected by the test kit, even if you’re expectant. May 27, 2024 · hCG level during pregnancy: Does a high hCG level mean pregnancy? In the vast majority of cases, yes. They can offer more personalized advice and run additional tests if necessary to further assess the health of your pregnancy. My hcg levels were 642. As the embryo grows rapidly, HCG levels normally double every 2 to 3 days. The BizBuySell Insight Report for 2021 reveals small business acquisitions picked up in 2021. A low level can indicate: Miscalculation of pregnancy dating; Possible miscarriage or blighted ovum; Ectopic. If a woman implants at 8dpo, with a 'non pregnant' hCG level of 1 [Which is totally normal] it would rise as follows. going through this same thing. HCG varies hugely between women and between pregnancys depending on what your baseline hcg is and when you implanted. Once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, the cells of the egg undergo immediate changes, with cells dividing and dividing, quickly growing into what is called the embryo. This means one healthy pregnancy could have hCG levels of 20,000 mIU/mL. Thanks in advance!!! Bottom two unmarked tests are from this morning. I am 9 or 10 dpo today and had a blood hcg drawn So I'm "not" not pregnant Just wondering what ya'lls levels were for that early? I have an appt next week but they didn't mention repeating any beta levels so I will call and ask tmrw. Aug 6, 2020 · What Are hCG Levels? In order to fully understand hCG levels, let’s take a look at the earliest stages of pregnancy. May 27, 2024 · hCG level during pregnancy: Does a high hCG level mean pregnancy? In the vast majority of cases, yes. craigslist buick grand national for sale Sep 27, 2024 · After implantation, the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins increasing too. At 12 DPO, if you’re pregnant, you can expect rising progesterone and hCG levels. I was worried because I was getting spotting almost every day and my line progression wasn’t as drastic as I would have though. What’s most important is how your hCG levels change over time, not a single measurement. The hCG levels start quite low but will consistently rise during the initial weeks of a healthy pregnancy. 66 million barrels a day of crude and fuel oil to China last month, Kpler found, its highest volume since invading Ukraine last year. If you get a BFN at 11 DPO but still suspect you might be pregnant, wait a few days and test again. It's possible you have low progesterone but it's also possible your levels are decreasing because AF is coming soon. Even though hCG begins doubling every two days, the amount starts out quite small. I also know that HCG levels vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. I am having my blood drawn again today on 14 dpo. High ammonia levels can cause serious health problems, including brain damage and coma This test measures. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. Today 13 DPO. The percentage of Americans using smartphones, the internet, and social media has remained virtually unchanged during the last two years. When you’re trying to get pregnant, timing is everything and the days past ovulation, or DPO, are no exception. Sep 12, 2024 · However, if implantation just occurred recently, the hCG levels might still be too low to detect. According to Mayo Medical Laboratories, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin will fall to half of its pregnancy concentration in the body within 24 to 36 hours of birth, misca. I am 9 or 10 dpo today and had a blood hcg drawn So I'm "not" not pregnant Just wondering what ya'lls levels were for that early? I have an appt next week but they didn't mention repeating any beta levels so I will call and ask tmrw. stockton breaking news today Low hCG production: Some women naturally produce hCG more slowly. By clicking "TRY IT", I agree to receive newsletters and promotions fr. Stress can affect all systems of the body — even leading to lowe. (Read more on ‘normal’ reference levels here Look for rising numbers, not low ones. Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M, FACOG, ob-gyn Jul 26, 2024 · The truth is that hCG levels can vary a whole lot from one pregnancy to another, even for the same person. This means one healthy pregnancy could have hCG levels of 20,000 mIU/mL. Check out the different types of laser levels and which one is right for the job. I am having my blood drawn again today on 14 dpo. One of the best things about services like Fitocracy is that it turns exercise and fitness into a social game, where you can level up, share your progress with friends, and earn ba. The vitamin B12 level is a blood test that measures how much vitamin B12 is in your blood. Well, I can't say DOESN'T matter, but some are way lower and some are higher! Basically, implantation can be between 6-12 days, so an hcg of 9 on 9dpo just means the bean probably implanted on 8dpo! PERFECT! Here is a kick butt hcg calculator that. 14dpo-hcg- 56 progesterone- 11. But this is only true for about 10% of pregnant women At 12 DPO, which is likely the first day of your missed period, you. This means you might not always get a positive pregnancy test 12 DPO. Normally, hCG levels would be less than 5 mIU/mL and less than 2 mIU/mL, respectively. At 17 DPO, your hCG levels can range wildly, from 17 to 429 mIU/ml or even higher! Mar 4, 2023 · At 12 DPO, your hCG levels may not have risen high enough to detect pregnancy, even if you are pregnant. My levels were 23 at 3 weeks, 2 days pregnant. At 12 DPO, your hCG levels may not have risen high enough to detect pregnancy, even if you are pregnant. In the beginning, it should be doubling every 24-48 hours. Positive Pregnancy Test 12DPO: If you do receive a positive pregnancy test at 12 DPO, it’s a strong indication that you’re pregnant. I was worried because I was getting spotting almost every day and my line progression wasn’t as drastic as I would have though. Now I’m paranoid thinking this isn’t a viable pregnancy. For perspective, home pregnancy tests usually detect hCG levels around 25mIU/ml. senior helpers salary However, if you are going to retire early and have other money comi. And your progesterone is awesome, mine was 15 at 13 dpo (wasn't checked at 10dpo). However, this is only true if implantation occurred slightly earlier after ovulation, closer to 6 to 8 DPO, and you use a sensitive pregnancy test. If you’re worried about your hCG levels, then speak to your doctor right away. My hcg levels were 642. Luckily, a blood test can actually detect hCG as early as 7-12 DPO. How hCG levels change by week of pregnancy. Dec 31, 2010 · Thats within the normal range for 4wks Here's a copy/paste table showing acceptable levels Guideline to hCG levels during pregnancy: hCG levels in weeks from LMP (gestational age)* : 3 weeks LMP: 5 - 50 mIU/ml 4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml 5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml 7 - 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml 9 - 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml 13 - 16. Anyway, I’m curious what your HCG levels were this early on and if 18 sounds ok or not ok. This is because the range for normal hCG levels is very wide. As the embryo grows rapidly, HCG levels normally double every 2 to 3 days. Days Past Ovulation Typical hCG Level Less than 5 DPO 1-2 mIU 5 DPO 2-5 mIU 6 DPO 4-10 mIU 7 DPO 8-20 mIU … This is because 12 DPO is still early to take a pregnancy test, and your hCG hormone levels might still be too low to be detected by the test kit, even if you’re expectant. Check out the different types of laser levels and which one is right for the job. iOS: Camera+ is our favorite photography app for iPhone, and today it gets a few cool updates as well as $1 off the regular price. So nonpreg hcg can be 1-5 and the most common date of implantation is 9dpo, so if you have a non preg hcg of 2 and implant at 9dpo youd have a: 4 at 11dpo 10 at 15dpo.
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One of the best things about services like Fitocracy is that it turns exercise and fitness into a social game, where you can level up, share your progress with friends, and earn ba. This could also be the reason why your 12 DPO BFN turns into a BFP ‒ after implantation, your hCG levels increase rapidly, so it might be that the little zygote has only just implanted. Over 25 is considered a positive hCG level for pregnancy. Just curious if any of you ladies have seen similar numbers. My last pregnancy sadly ended at 6 weeks, but at 12 dpo I got my first BFP. iOS: Camera+ is our favorite photography app for. Mar 28, 2024 · Usually, implantation happens between 6 to 12 DPO, so while 12 DPO is on the further end of the scale, it’s nothing to worry about. I had a second hcg draw on 9/2 at 12 dpo with a level of 225. Normally, hCG levels would be less than 5 mIU/mL and less than 2 mIU/mL, respectively. At 12 DPO, you’re in the thick of the anticipation phase, eagerly waiting to see if you’re pregnant. So nonpreg hcg can be 1-5 and the most common date of implantation is 9dpo, so if you have a non preg hcg of 2 and implant at 9dpo youd have a: 4 at 11dpo 10 at 15dpo. You can have a level of 1 - 5 in a non pregnant state. how much tax should i withhold in arizona Factor this in too! The majority of pregnancy tests only come up positive if hCG levels are 25 mIU/mL or higher. Aug 19, 2024 · Here is a look at what low or high hCG levels might mean for a pregnancy. This process, known as implantation, triggers the production of the pregnancy hormone, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This is when most women experience implantation. This could also be the reason why your 12 DPO BFN turns into a BFP ‒ after implantation, your hCG levels increase rapidly, so it might be that the little zygote has only just implanted. But you should know this! hCG levels start out small. I am having my blood drawn again today on 14 dpo. The majority of ectopic. And your progesterone is awesome, mine was 15 at 13 dpo (wasn't checked at 10dpo). At 11dpo my hcg was 7, and at 17 dpo it was 147. One study found that at 11 DPO, the median urine concentration of hCG ranged from 982 mIU/mL. I don’t really have any symptoms except for sore boobs so that’s making me a bit nervous as well. Can twins cause a false. There is a small chance that some women with high hCG levels could test positive at 9 or 10 DPO. The build-up of hCG doubles up its levels every 48 hours. espn top 150 fantasy football HCG is a hormone produced in the body du. Expert Advice On Improving Your Home Videos Latest View. If a woman implants at 8dpo, with a 'non pregnant' hCG level of 1 [Which is totally normal] it would rise as follows. An estrogen test measures the level of estrogens in blood or urine. Mar 24, 2015 · A normal HCG level will roughly double every 48 to 72 hours, up to 6,000 mIU/ml Don’t obsess. Feb 7, 2024 · Normal hCG levels in non-pregnant women average less than 5. The nurse told me that was low for a viable pregnancy, but I believe my HCG was low because I ovulated late in my cycle this month (day 21). I know it is nerve wracking but hang in there. Learn with Flo what to expect on your 14th day after ovulation. Learn with Flo what to expect on your 14th day after ovulation. Expert Advice On Improving Your Home Videos Latest View. At 12 DPO, your hCG levels may not have risen high enough to detect pregnancy, even if you are pregnant. However, these numbers can vary widely between individuals. At 12 dpo my HCG tested at 137 and 14 dpo it tested at 389. So for most women, hCG levels still won’t be detectable yet. He said the travel site's recent. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. Today 13 DPO. Even though it’s a bit early for a pregnancy test, your body might give you subtle hints. I was tracking my ovulation so I do know fairly accurately when I ovulated. While declining hCG levels often signal a miscarriage, sometimes the levels go back up and the pregnancy continues normally. hCG levels are rising steadily if pregnant, making home pregnancy tests more reliable. At 13 DPO, hCG levels in pregnant women can vary widely: Average range is 15-100 mIU/mL. Is that normal? (But a high hCG level doesn’t automatically mean you’re expecting more than one baby—again, levels of hCG can vary by person and pregnancy. Many small businesses go through an early growth stage. ourhome2net dallas hCG levels during pregnancy rise about three weeks after the first day of the last period It’s not routine for hCG levels to be checked throughout pregnancy. Had the blood on 12 DPO. But after that, you may need to change up your strategies to take the next step. Sep 18, 2024 · Levels of hCG will nearly double every two days or so. Implantation typically occurs between 6 and 12 DPO. Nurse called and said levels are low so I need repeat bloodwork. Causes of low hCG levels. Im hoping that’s good for 12 dpo (im 3wk 4days) Sign Up Getting Pregnant First Year I have had very low HCG levels. The vitamin B12 level is a blood test that measures how much vitamin B12 is in your blood. My last pregnancy sadly ended at 6 weeks, but at 12 dpo I got my first BFP. In the beginning, it should be doubling every 24-48 hours. I had my blood drawn at 12 dpo (cycle day 33) and my HCG was 48. 20 at 17dpo The common trend for hCG levels is doubling roughly every 48 hours. An estrogen test measures the level of estrogens in blood or urine. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. Today 13 DPO. With my DD I remember having higher numbers but I can't remember exactly when we tested.
0 mIU/ml, so at one week this is what is expected. Jun 20, 2024 · HCG level during pregnancy: Does a high hCG level mean pregnancy? In the vast majority of cases, yes. Alternatively, you might have an early miscarriage called a chemical pregnancy which can cause a false-positive test result. How hCG levels change by week of pregnancy. In both cases, this means you very well could see a positive result at 14 DPO. acme my aci TLDR: HCG level was 50 IU/L at 12dpo, haven’t been tested since. Low Levels of hCG. hCG is also responsible for some of the early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, sore breasts, and fatigue. Test sensitivity: The test might not be sensitive enough to detect very early pregnancy. Hello Girls! I'm so curious about HCG levels. However, these numbers can vary widely between individuals. However, if you are going to retire early and have other money comi. i 25 traffic to denver There is a small chance that some women with high hCG levels could test positive at 9 or 10 DPO. Seeing a positive result means that the test has detected the presence of hCG, confirming that you are indeed pregnant. This early positive result can be. This is the cause of nausea. latimes obituaries Do you know how to level a concrete floor? Find out how to level a concrete floor in this article from HowStuffWorks. Sep 27, 2024 · After implantation, the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins increasing too. That seemed in the normal range for where I’m at. At 12 dpo my HCG tested at 137 and 14 dpo it tested at 389.
Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M, FACOG, ob-gyn. Hello, looking for some reassurance here…I got my first positive on 9dpo. However, this is only true if implantation occurred slightly earlier after ovulation, closer to 6 to 8 DPO, and you use a sensitive pregnancy test. Mar 1, 2014 · 15 weeks the HCG level is among 12,000-70,000 16 weeks the HCG level is among 9,000-56,000 17 weeks the HCG level is among 8,000-56,000 18 weeks the HCG level is among 8,000-58,000 Concise hcg level chart by weeks number post LMP Vs BHCG concentrations in unit mIU/L: Normal level of b-HCG subunit in men is <5 mIU/mL (<5 IU/L) Dec 27, 2017 · So here are all my levels. Sep 18, 2024 · Levels of hCG will nearly double every two days or so. Went in for another blood draw today (4 weeks, 5 days) and won’t have the results back until tomorrow morning, but my pregnancy test lines are getting darker, so I know my HCG has increased. In some singleton pregnancies, higher hCG levels are completely normal. The sales beat pre-pandemic levels in the 4th quarter. Anyway, I’m curious what your HCG levels were this early on and if 18 sounds ok or not ok. If you’re worried about your hCG levels, then speak to your doctor right away. I had a miscarriage back in March. Jun 3, 2024 · Keep in mind that hCG baselines and doubling patterns (about every 48 hours after implantation) vary from woman to woman and this can affect the timing and results of your test. Keep in mind that hCG baselines and doubling patterns (about every 48 hours after implantation) vary from woman to woman and this can affect the timing and results of your test. 16dpo- hcg- 67 progesterone 5 (told to expect miscarriage) TODAY!- 25dpo- hcg 1,190 progesterone-7 WHAT? What do I make of this? The nurse was so confused and was going to talk to the dr and call me back and likely prescribe progesterone Sep 12, 2024 · At 14 DPO, hCG levels in pregnant women typically range from 10-426 mIU/mL. swgoh events The majority of ectopic. I would definitely say that 54 at 11 DPO is a good HCG number! My HCG level at 13 DPO was 56!!!! 4 days later my level was at 567, so it more than doubled every 48 hours (they took my levels 4. at 14dpo my hcg was 126. My levels were 23 at 3 weeks, 2 days pregnant. Therefore, experiencing 12 DPO nausea can be one of the pregnancy signs for you! Apr 10, 2009 · I can't recall those dpo's! But they were later! It doesn't matter the hcg as long as it doubles. I had a miscarriage back in March. 12 DPO symptoms can still be similar to PMS, but differences may become more apparent. Takeaways. My hcg levels were 642. At 12 DPO, if you’re pregnant, you can expect rising progesterone and hCG levels. faint positive: How to tell the difference on your pregnancy test However, hCG levels vary, so this is not always the case. Feb 7, 2024 · Normal hCG levels in non-pregnant women average less than 5. It's possible you have low progesterone but it's also possible your levels are decreasing because AF is coming soon. Nevertheless, the concentration of hCG can significantly differ among individuals: Accuracy: The preciseness of these tests tends to improve as the levels of hCG increase. While declining hCG levels often signal a miscarriage, sometimes the levels go back up and the pregnancy continues normally. So nonpreg hcg can be 1-5 and the most common date of implantation is 9dpo, so if you have a non preg hcg of 2 and implant at 9dpo youd have a: 4 at 11dpo 10 at 15dpo. is the dollar900 medicare grocery allowance real While certain people are morning risers, many of us constantly battle with our snooze alarm every morning over whether to stay in our cocoon of slumber. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. Alternatively, you might have an early miscarriage called a chemical pregnancy which can cause a false-positive test result. Ovulation was confirmed at on cd15 with temps so can't even blame it on late ovulation. According to Mayo Medical Laboratories, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin will fall to half of its pregnancy concentration in the body within 24 to 36 hours of birth, misca. The federal poverty level is set each year to help determine eligibility for certain government programs. Nov 30, 2021 · Just looking to compare hcg at 12 dpo. However, this is only true if implantation occurred slightly earlier after ovulation, closer to 6 to 8 DPO, and you use a sensitive pregnancy test. A rising HCG level is reassuring. Below is an average. Where does this money come from -- and where does it all go? Learn more about campaign finance The federal poverty level is set each year to help determine eligibility for certain government programs. Here's a look at which are more accessible than others. If you’re pregnant and experience low hCG levels, it’s important to look at your entire pregnancy as a whole. By the 16th day, the hCG levels have generally risen enough for detection. Oct 5, 2014 · Hello, looking for some reassurance here…I got my first positive on 9dpo.