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Draco reptilian race?
Draco reptilian race?
Its reptilian inhabitants are often referred to as the Reptilians (or 'Lizzies'), the 'Reptoids' and 'Dinoids. "Saurian" redirects here. Draconans – The Race from Alpha Draconis – from ‘Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex… Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans (bibliotecapleyades. Another NSA contact, X3, told me that a global Masonic apparatus above the 33rd degree is controlling upper levels of many governments of the world. Reptilians are a study in xenology based on mythologies, symbols and ancestral memories of Reptilian beings (evident in ancient religious rituals), as well as actual encounters similar or related to UFO phenomena. The Draconians were a race of reptilian humanoids from Draconia. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the. Its reptilian inhabitants are often referred to as the Reptilians (or 'Lizzies'), the 'Reptoids' and 'Dinoids. We do know that the Reptilians preceded the appearance of the human race on this planet. You can determine your race as defined by the U Office of Management and Budget by looking at the race listed on your birth certificateS. Census Bureau recog. Another race in which we have some confidence in their existence is Draco Reptilians. Another race in which we have some confidence in their existence is Draco Reptilians. These races are commonly mentioned in Ufology and Exopolitics as a cruel conquer race and deeply involved in Earth’s history. The Reptilians. Aug 3, 2020 · From this perspective, the elimination of the evil Draco reptilians and former masters of the human race by us on June 10th was the greatest act of human liberation that has already reverberated in the entire multiverse and has triggered major follow-up events leading to the shift and the manifestation of the cities of light in the course of. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. Only seven drivers out of 32 finished the 1966 Southeastern 500. net) ET Council – War With Grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is Won – No False Flag ET Invasion (bibliotecapleyades. Some members of the Galactic Federation, according to Collier, played a role in the genetic engineering of humanity and have ever since been interested in human affairs. This is why Elon's subway system was shut down. The trauma chain-breakers of our era are draconian starseeds. Mar 20, 2015 · They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out to conquer other worlds. Its name is Latin for dragon. Roger Mallett [Staff Author] Understanding who the Archon Network is puts everything that’s happening to the human race and our planet all in perspective Reptilians aka Lizzies (Draco in command) 2. Many races are 500 miles in length, though some. Whether you’re a die-hard racing fan or just looking for some adrenaline-pumping entertainment, watching live NASCAR races is an exhilarating experience. Evidence of Reptilians can be found in a variety of historic sources and it is argued that there is sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that an ancient extra-terrestrial race of Reptilians inhabited the Earth and played a role in the creation of humanity. Reptilian humanoids appear in folklore, science fiction, fantasy, and conspiracy theories. Draco is the ancestor of the reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays, and other Draconians. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. More on that further in this post. This is why Elon's subway system was shut down. Come back is revenge, Realize the weapons followed around. This has led to the topic of the origins of the Draconian race to be a very diverse topic. Claims that Elizabeth and other members of the royal family were reptilian are unfounded and part of a long-running conspiracy theory. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. Known for its thrilling competition and talented drivers, IndyCar races are a must-watch for any mo. Brown’s remote viewing team had identified: Draco Reptilians, Grays, and beings from Orion. The Draconians are described as being very tall and Draco. The Draco base on the dark side of the moon is why his SpaceX is being throttled. Their sharp minds lend them well to careers in science and maths or even professors in ancient history Cold Blooded. There are good and bad people in all races Intelligent, Wise & Analytical. One of four on Earth. NASCAR races generally last anywhere from 1. There are good and bad people in all races Intelligent, Wise & Analytical. While new simulators can be quite. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races. Draconians have scaly bodies like a dragon's, a snout and short stubby tail. The LA underground tunnels are earth-native reptilian made, whereas alpha draconian reptilians hide more in the open. Dec 30, 2020 · In fact, when the "reptilian eyes" video went viral in December 2020, it was attached to a piece of text claiming that this person was from a "draconian/Illumaniti bloodline Sep 23, 2020 · Aug. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the. They also had scaly skin on their necks and bodies They also used some Lyran prisoners as sex slaves and for breeding purposes. Are you a racing enthusiast looking to download thrilling racing games for your PC? Look no further. Nearly all animals referred to as worms are invertebrates, including earthworms, and by definition, invertebrates do not have bones. Unfortunately, due to the curren. be/anClFGbFRLE-----In this clip, John Salley speaks about hi. If you’re a passionate racing enthusiast, having the right equipment can take your gaming experience to the next level. Now is the time to get to know thy enemy and why many races throughout the universe have had their run in with these Draco Reptilians. May 8, 2023 · The Negumak are a powerful insectoid species that are the ancient enemies of the Draconian Reptilian Empire that have long interfered in human affairs. However, not everyone has access to live broadcasts or the t. The Reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays and other draconians come from Draco. tv/ssp-alliance-updates/#DarkFleet #SSP #CoreyGo. Harness racing is a thrilling sport that brings together the speed and agility of horses with the skill and strategy of their drivers. Lifgarians (a very malicious, power-hungry race) Reptilians (they also have a bad rep, but have both light and dark kinds) Rooting into Draconian Energy. Think of the Anunnaki hybrids as a sleeper cell waiting for the return then shall they be revealed, akin to the resistance in occupied France during the second. Sep 19, 2019 · There are good and bad people in all races Intelligent, Wise & Analytical. Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky. It is when they tried to colonise the Lyran system that the Galactic Wars started, more than 20 million years ago. Known for its thrilling competition and talented drivers, IndyCar races are a must-watch for any mo. Now is the time to get to know thy enemy and why many races throughout the universe have had their run in with these Draco Reptilians. Once exception is the Draco Reptilian that is part of the Grey/Reptilian faction now threatening a takeover of Earth. Every year, millions of people tune in to watch the race and cheer on their favorite horses Are you a thrill-seeker looking to rev up your gaming experience on your PC? Look no further. In Orion, Lyran-Vegans–but mostly Vegans–allied themselves with Reptilian races. The Draconians look at lifeforms which they have created or altered as a natural resource. The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". This ensures all runners co. Thuban is the home system of the Draconian Empire, and is inhabited by several lizard / reptilian and dinoid races. Are you a car racing enthusiast looking for thrilling experiences on your laptop? Look no further. Alpha Draconians are a species of shapeshifting snake-like species from the Alpha Draconis system. binghamton ny obituaries They WERE NOT a benevolent race, but is since some years allied with Christ Michael Aton (the light). The common signs (according to one source): "predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes" "true red or reddish hair" Reptilians (also called reptoids, [1] archons, [2] reptiloids, saurians, draconians, [3][4][5] or lizard people[6]) are supposed reptilian humanoids, which play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories. With the rise of streaming services, it’s now easier than eve. 5 to 4 hours, depending on the length of the race, number of laps and track conditions. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe Part 5: https://youtu. The Grand National is one of the most prestigious horse races in the world, and it’s an event that many people look forward to watching every year. The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The problem with keeping many different reptile species is that th. Reptilians (also called reptoids, [1] archons, [2] reptiloids, saurians, draconians, [3] [4] [5] or lizard people [6]) are supposed reptilian humanoids, which play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. One essential component for any racing setup is a high-quali. If you’re a fan of high-speed racing, then IndyCar is undoubtedly on your radar. Unfortunately, due to the curren. Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives) 4. It's a human one. ochsner online learning network Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens returning soon, and stay up to date on all of your favorite History Channel shows at https://historyA. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. ” Reptilians have actually cropped up in science fiction throughout the years time and again. net) ET Council – War With Grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is Won – No False Flag ET Invasion (bibliotecapleyades. The holder of this classification reports to the reptilian leader of the giant reptilians Draco Royal White of pure reptilian race (whites) from the star system of Thubal, from DRACO, in the Constellation of the Dragon (Draco), which have bases on the Moon and Mars from where they govern, manipulate and control the “reality” created and. The Alpha Draconis Draco have a "Royal Class" that appear to be lighter colors, white Skinned scales with winged appendages, and are about two to three times the size. ' (But, please, note that the Vegan System, too, is the home of a "Lizard"-like humanoid civilization). It appears that this star was one of the first planetary systems the Dark Lords conquered. Shares new documents to expose the sinister alien influence in world governments, financial systems, and scientific institutions throughout history • Shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens authority to abduct humans for "research" • Reveals how Reptilian-influenced ex-Nazis infiltrated the U government • Explains how. "Draconian" redirects here. A 'Reptilian' from the 'Draco System' at Protea Hills, Maclear. Insectoids (higher executives) 3. The primate race was then tinkered with by. See more in this compilation from Ancient Aliens Jun 24, 2004 · With seven different types of Draco races, the leader group is a seven to eight foot tall winged reptilian-type creature. NASCAR teams may use between nine and 14 sets of tires in a race, which comes to between 36 and 56 total tires. Above is pictured a member of the warrior caste, used to conquer and occupy planets/territories. be/yEQktRWfzUQPart 1: https://youtu. Since then, these beings have been merging with humans through the manipulation of DNA, as well as interbreeding with the human population. Back in the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, a man named Lucas. 4. scary quiz games The Reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays and other draconians come from Draco. Reptilians, Dracos and Amphibians There is an extraordinarily rich history regarding Reptilian appearing alien beings dating back to the oldest known creation stories involving the Anunnaki. be/yEQktRWfzUQPart 1: https://youtu. While, as noted, sentient reptilians of some form or another have seemingly been around in human legend for as long as we’ve been humaning, one of the earliest and most influential references of Lizard People in more modern times can be found in Robert E The Draconian Reptilian Empire When a Draconian woman gives birth, she will abandon the infant to fend for itself. Draconans – The Race from Alpha Draconis – from ‘Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex… Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans (bibliotecapleyades. Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have the power to shape-shift into human form Draco, is of course, the. Appearance: The original Reptilian master race is Draconian, which have the form of Dragons. Draco is approximately 300 light-years from our solar system. But the claim that lizard people control the world is a fringe conspiracy theory. However, this thrilling and fast-paced sport offers an experience like no other If you are a racing enthusiast, you have probably heard about Asphalt 8 – one of the most popular racing games on mobile devices. For Earthly travel the higher up Draco will use the Stargate they control. “They reincarnate here on Earth over many lifetimes to heal, restore peace, and lead humanity to a higher quality of life. One of four on Earth. Come back is revenge, Realize the weapons followed around. With the rise of streaming services, it’s now easier than ever to watch live sports from the comfort of your own home. The Reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays and other draconians come from Draco.
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Reptiles have cold blood and so do reptilians 3. Another NSA contact, X3, told me that a global Masonic apparatus above the 33rd degree is controlling upper levels of many governments of the world. NASCAR races generally last anywhere from 1. It is believed that they came here from planets in the Draco star system. They are huge winged beings of immense power. Truth about Reptilian Alien Races The Reptilians have a strange origin. The Draconians are commonly described as a powerful war-like alien race who hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. Aug 30, 2017 · The priorities of some of these races have shifted over time too, largely due to the influence of the still flourishing reptilian race, the Draco, who’s leaders were the Ciakar. May 8, 2023 · The Negumak are a powerful insectoid species that are the ancient enemies of the Draconian Reptilian Empire that have long interfered in human affairs. However, not everyone has access to cable TV or the means to atte. Harness racing is a thrilling sport that brings together the speed and agility of horses with the skill and strategy of their drivers. Are you a passionate runner looking for your next challenge? Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a beginner looking to dip your toes in the racing world, keeping track of upcom. Claiming horse races involve the horse owners putting a “claiming price” on the horses that are involved in the race. Draco starseeds and reptilian starseeds are wholly different starseed races, despite coming from the same galactic area. The Grand National is one of the most exciting and thrilling horse races in the world. While some Draconians are self-centered and some even label them as negative or “evil,” others are here to assist humanity to awaken and develop consciousness. crawford county now obits We do know that the Reptilians preceded the appearance of the human race on this planet. You will hear of them being referred to by other names such as the Draconians, and Reptilians but Draco. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. Popular Reptilian candidates include Queen Elizabeth II and George W Reptilian leaders like this supposedly keep the humans of the world in check by poisoning their food and distracting them with politics and war. There is contrary evidence that the age of the dinosaurs may have been no more than one million years ago. Think of the Anunnaki hybrids as a sleeper cell waiting for the return then shall they be revealed, akin to the resistance in occupied France during the second. Come back is revenge, Realize the weapons followed around. You will hear of them being referred to by other names such as the Draconians, and Reptilians but Draco. Below you can find a map of the Draco star systems. May 2, 2015 · The Origin of the Draconian Race. In fact, when the "reptilian eyes" video went viral in December 2020, it was attached to a piece of text claiming that this person was from a "draconian/Illumaniti bloodline The Draconians are commonly described as a powerful war-like alien race who hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. The Alpha Draconis Draco have a "Royal Class" that appear to be lighter colors, white Skinned scales with winged appendages, and are about two to three times the size. You will hear of them being referred to by other names such as the Draconians, and Reptilians but Draco. Other, lesser Reptilians are believed in turn to be descended from Ciakars. Some people say that these shapeshifters have reptile-esque eyes if you look closely enough. Many people believe that there are extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids that have been spotted on Earth. The Draco Reptilians had colonized a huge empire from Thuban in Alpha Draconius billions of years before the Lyran/Vegans arrived in Draco. joe budden lipstick alley Below you can find a map of the Draco star systems. This is a fear based belief system that allows negative entities to feed off our negative energies. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 5 car racing games that will. The Alpha Draconians are one of two species known to harness portals in time, the other being the Greys. Life Form Type: Reptilian Subspecies: Most Common Species: Ciakar Draconian Reptilians, or simply “Ciakars” are reputedly one of the most powerful, respected and ancient Reptilian races, and are supposedly descended from royalty. The Draconians are described as being very tall and This is the theory of the reptilian race—also sometimes known as “lizard people,” “draconians,” “saurians,” or “reptoids. They are not from this physical universe. They feel superior because Reptilian DNA does… Light Draco’s and Reincarnated Starseeds: In terms of what we are seeing more of with the Draconian Starseeds at this is that of a large influx of light Draconian incarnate beings. This race of Reptilian alien beings originate from the Draco ('dragon') constellation and now find themselves throughout the entire galaxy. For Earthly travel the higher up Draco will use the Stargate they control. In fact, when the "reptilian eyes" video went viral in December 2020, it was attached to a piece of text claiming that this person was from a "draconian/Illumaniti bloodline The Draconians are commonly described as a powerful war-like alien race who hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. As dark as it is bold and fearless, as black as it is prestigious, highest class, power and authority. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best sources where you can find real-time inf. Since then, these beings have been merging with humans through the manipulation of DNA, as well as interbreeding with the human population. lynchburg virginia mugshots It's a human one. It's a human one. Trump explained that this race of reptilians, who have apparently lived. The inhabitants are different kinds of Draco/Reptilian life forms, often giant in shape. Roger Mallett [Staff Author] Understanding who the Archon Network is puts everything that’s happening to the human race and our planet all in perspective Reptilians aka Lizzies (Draco in command) 2. However, not everyone has the opportunity to attend the race in. For other races identified as such please go to Reptilian (Godzilla) and Reptilian (Lost Tapes). The Dracos - A Draco Planet in the Kuiper Belt - Alex Collier - On Reptilians - The Draconians and The Paa Tal Español - Alfa Draconianos Sep 13, 2019 · Even worse, he said, some aliens, specifically the race known as Draco-Reptilians, believed to come from the Orion constellation, have a taste for human babies. Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D. Reptilian Starseed Vs Draconian Starseed – Are They the Same Thing? Surprisingly, no. These are similar negative extraterrestrial groups to those Dr. (Greys came to Orion later) The combined Lyran-vegan explorers later met Reptilians in the Draco constellation. Aug 3, 2020 · From this perspective, the elimination of the evil Draco reptilians and former masters of the human race by us on June 10th was the greatest act of human liberation that has already reverberated in the entire multiverse and has triggered major follow-up events leading to the shift and the manifestation of the cities of light in the course of.
Draconian starseeds are from the Draco constellation. thugonthaglock7, 5 years ago. Lifgarians (a very malicious, power-hungry race) Reptilians (they also have a bad rep, but have both light and dark kinds) Rooting into Draconian Energy. This is the theory of the reptilian race—also sometimes known as “lizard people,” “draconians,” “saurians,” or “reptoids. ” Starseeds from the Reptilian race are endowed with strong attributes because of their work and purpose in our world. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. old cars and trucks Since the early 1990's, John. But the claim that lizard people control the world is a fringe conspiracy theory. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race, which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth. “The master race is white and twelve to thirteen feet. pasco county sheriff arrest search Many races are 500 miles in length, though some. No One know where they come from. How to Tell if You’re Really of Reptilian Origin. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. Above is pictured a member of the warrior caste, used to conquer and occupy planets/territories. There is an undeniable thrill. A sizeable number of Americans, 12 million or not, believe that reptilian beings control the government. are the hurtt twins parents divorced There is contrary evidence that the age of the dinosaurs may have been no more than one million years ago. There is contrary evidence that the age of the dinosaurs may have been no more than one million years ago. ' (But, please, note that the Vegan System, too, is the home of a "Lizard"-like humanoid civilization). Some members of the Galactic Federation, according to Collier, played a role in the genetic engineering of humanity and have ever since been interested in human affairs. Jun 12, 2024 · The Draco Reptilians has been on this planet creating havoc for Tens of thousands of years.
The Draconians were a tall, reptilian species. (Greys came to Orion later) The combined Lyran-vegan explorers later met Reptilians in the Draco constellation. One of four on Earth. They can be based on various reptiles, like lizards, crocodiles, alligators, snakes, dinosaurs, and the fictional dragons. The Annunaki has some kind of reptilian metal biology and have the talant to shapeshift into whatever they want. might mean their ship crushed landed they were stuck here and needed a race to mine for them so they could recreate their mother ship. Isaiah 3:1-26 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. How to Tell if You’re Really of Reptilian Origin. For instance, the child of a Caucasian mother and an African-American father would identify as someone who belongs to both of those. Draco is approximately 300 light-years from our solar system. Are you a car racing enthusiast looking for thrilling experiences on your laptop? Look no further. Whether you are a seasoned r. Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens returning soon, and stay up to date on all of your favorite History Channel shows at https://historyA. They are often depicted as powerful warriors, though their relative intelligence to humans varies – as with other anthropomorphic. "Draconian" redirects here. Draco reptilian beings are warlike beings who are physically and mentally powerful. Alternate theory: they're not Draco, but instead Terran. There is contrary evidence that the age of the dinosaurs may have been no more than one million years ago. Thousands of years ago, the reptilian beings [from the constellations Orion, Sirius, and Draco] intervened on planet Earth and began interbreeding with humans. Are you a NASCAR fan looking for live updates on the race happening today? Look no further. sherwin williams store closest to me More on that further in this post. Also, since i know members of the Secret Government frequent reddit. Draconians have scaly bodies like a dragon's, a snout and short stubby tail. Isaiah 3:1-26 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Mill rite of the popstar Ripe to the fallen sky Love the late achievors to rough ghetto, We learn, leap and leave. Anthropomorphic reptilian races or beings commonly appear in fantasy and science fiction. ” Starseeds from the Reptilian race are endowed with strong attributes because of their work and purpose in our world. One essential component for any racing setup is a high-quali. The Dracos - A Draco Planet in the Kuiper Belt - Alex Collier - On Reptilians - The Draconians and The Paa Tal Español - Alfa Draconianos Sep 13, 2019 · Even worse, he said, some aliens, specifically the race known as Draco-Reptilians, believed to come from the Orion constellation, have a taste for human babies. Jan 12, 2009 · Detailed descriptions of seven different races of aliens believed to have visited Earth. ' (But, please, note that the Vegan System, too, is the home of a "Lizard"-like humanoid civilization). Now is the time to get to know thy enemy and why many races throughout the universe have had their run in with these Draco Reptilians. (Greys came to Orion later) The combined Lyran-vegan explorers later met Reptilians in the Draco constellation. (Quite like the Reptilians of the TV series ‘V’) Alex Collier: Draconians. Draco reptilian beings are warlike beings who are physically and mentally powerful. If you’re a fan of racing games and want to take your gaming experience to the next level, investing in a racing simulator can be a game-changer. elliot murdaugh What Draco Reptilians Are Like. More SSP Alliance Updates https://ascensionworks. Many people believe that there are extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids that have been spotted on Earth. Resident Alien Jan 7, 2021 · Reptilian humanoids, or humans that are part reptile, are commonly found in science fiction and fantasy writing. a book on the reason why humanity is living in a duality reality, in this three dimensional reality on planet gaia, our mother earth, known as pachamama, the truth of the dna manipulation by the draco reptilians back in atlantis times & the removal of ten strands out of our original twelve strands of dna leaving humanity with two strands of dna, therefore experiencing a low vibrational duality. It is believed that they came here from planets in the Draco star system. Xtreme Racing Experience is a unique and exciting way to g. Some members of the Galactic Federation, according to Collier, played a role in the genetic engineering of humanity and have ever since been interested in human affairs. Hello there guys! In this installment, I will provide an in-depth examination and deconstruction of the so-called "Reptilian Conspiracy" David Mi. Despite this, the two largely co-existed with both races believing strongly in high morals and honour. The problem with keeping many different reptile species is that th. be/sHd6AaOs5MUPart 3: https://youtu. They’ve been written about by Robert E. Look for Reptilian Eyes. Oct 22, 2023 · The bloodlines come from "draconian reptilians that invaded our planet," he continued.